Fleece of Fate

As I strolled down Fifth Avenue, lost in thought about my latest life dilemma, a flash of color caught my eye. There, in the window of an upscale home decor store, stood a fluffy llama statue adorned with vibrant tassels and a rainbow saddle.
But then, to my astonishment, the llama blinked.
I froze, convinced my eyes were playing tricks. The llama's mouth curved into a gentle smile, and it turned its head ever so slightly to face me directly. Its eyes sparkled with ancient wisdom.
"Psst," the llama whispered, its voice surprisingly deep and soothing. "Yes, you. Come closer."
Hesitantly, I approached the window. The llama's tassels swayed gently, though there was no breeze.
"I sense you're at a crossroads," the llama said sagely. "Remember this: True happiness isn't found in the destination, but in the journey itself. Embrace the detours, for they often lead to the most beautiful vistas."
The llama's words resonated deeply with my current situation. I'd been so focused on reaching a specific goal that I'd forgotten to enjoy the process and growth along the way.
"Thank you," I murmured, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders.
The llama winked. "Now, go forth and adventure. And perhaps bring me back a carrot or two."
With a final chuckle, the llama resumed its statuesque pose, leaving me to ponder its surprising wisdom and wonder if perhaps I should cut back on my coffee intake.
As I walked away, I couldn't help but smile, feeling lighter and more optimistic about the path ahead, detours and all.